About Me

Hi there, my name is Simon,

I used to be a really skinny kid, I absolutley hated the way I looked and Just couldn't wait to be able to build some muscle so that I could feel better about myself and be comfortable with my body. But unfortunately it didn't quite work out as simple as that!

I started going to the gym to try and pack on some muscle mass but it seemed that the harder I was trying, the worse my body looked. It wasn't until I started doing a little more research into different body types and training techniques that I found out why I wasn't seeing the results that I wanted so badly. After a couple of weeks with my new found knowledge I was finally able to start building muscle fast like I had always wanted and started to become much more confident and happy with my body.

The reason that I decided to make this blog was to try and help guys who might be in the same predicament that I was to finally start packing on those pounds and feel more confident. So if there is anything that I can do to help you or if you need any advice at all then please feel free to leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.