Friday 12 November 2010

Tips For Building Muscle Fast

If you want to start building muscle fast then there are a few things that you MUST do in order to get the results that you want. Some of these tips might sound a little simple but failing to do any one of these things will be disastrous for your muscle building efforts. If you follow these tips properly then you will be able to start building muscle fast and get that all important muscular body as well as having a massive increase in confidence.

Eat More
In order for your body to repair the damaged muscle fibres and in turn grow bigger you must consume more calories than you are burning off in the gym. 2500 calories is the average amount of calories for a guy and this will just maintain your current weight so you should be looking at the 3000 calorie mark at least. This will obviously vary from one person to the next so writing down everything that you eat for a couple of weeks is a good place to start, then you can increase or decrease your calories accordingly.

Eat More Often
As well as increasing your calorie intake you must also change how often you are eating. To get the most out of your muscle building efforts you must be eating every 2-3 hours a day and trying to get a good source of protein with every meal. Protein shakes are a good way of keeping your protein intake up and should definitely be used after your workouts.

Along with training and eating, having enough rest is also a very important part of the process. This is because your muscles are damaged when you lift weights in the gym and it is when you are out of the gym that your body is hard at work repairing the damaged muscle fibres. So if you do not give your muscle enough time to repair in between workouts then you will be wasting a lot of time and effort.

Building muscle fast is never going to be easy and there may be times when you want to give up but if you want to transform your body badly enough then you must be able to stick at it and take the rough with the smooth.

These tips might seem a little too simple but if you were to neglect a single one of these then you might as well not bother going to the gym at all! In order to take out all of the guess work involved in building muscle fast it is a good idea to follow a muscle building program. To use the same program as I did to transform my body Click Here

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